The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), headquartered in Thailand, is an international institute of higher learning. It is Asia’s pioneer institution established in 1959 to help meet the region’s growing needs for advanced learning in engineering,...
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established in 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand. Today, the organizaton has ten Member StatesThe motto of the ASEAN is “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”.In the area of Disaster...
The Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology is the national meteorological authority for Australia. It provides weather forcasts warnings and observation for all states and territories of Australia.
Department of Disaster Management (DDM) under the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief was set up in November 2012 following enactment of the Disaster Management Act 2012. The Department of Disaster Management (DDM) would serve the Ministry of...
The Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh established the Centre for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS) as a public trust in 2002. CEGIS' mission as a scientifically independent centre of excellence is to...
The Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme is a project led by the Ministry of Food and Disaster Management of Bangladesh. It aims to further reduce Bangladesh's vulnerability to adverse natural and anthropogenic hazards and extreme events...
A massive cyclone with wind velocity 62 m/sec accompanied by a storm surge 6-9 m in height struck Bangladesh in 1970, killing an estimated 500,000 people. Following this disaster, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies...
The Department of Relief and Rehabilitation is a department within the Ministry of Food and Disaster Management (MoFDM) of Bangladesh. Its mission is to achieve a paradigm shift in national disaster management strategies from conventional response...
DDM is a small dynamic professional unit at national level in Bangladesh to perform specialist support functions working under the authority of high–level Inter-Ministerial Disaster Management Coordination Committee (IMDMCC). It is a technical...
The Bangladesh Meteorological Department is the authorised Government organisation for all meteorological activities in the country. It maintains a network of surface and upper air observatories, radar and satellite stations, agro-meteorological...
SPARRSO was established in 1980 as an autonomous organisation of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. It keeps close collaboration with national, regional and international organizations, institutions and agencies. SPARRSO acts...
Beihang University was previously known as the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. It is located in Beijing, People's Republic of China, and focuses on high level technological and scientific research.More information: Beihang...
The Earth and Planetary Image Facility (EPIF) is a multi-disciplinary research laboratory located at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Its research focuses mainly on the use of remote sensing for a variety of applications and on advancing the...
The Department of Disaster Management (DDM), established in 2008 under the Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs (MoHCA), leads all DRM activities in the Bhutan. The vision of DDM is to promote, support and facilitate disaster management to reduce...
The Ministry of Trade & Industry, which was subsequently renamed as Ministry of Economic Affairs was established in 1967.The aim of the MoEA is to promote a green and self reliant economy sustained by an IT enabled knowledge society guided by...