This database provides descriptions of a large variety of satellite imagery, elevation models, land use and land cover maps as well as near real-time data products for different hazard types. You can search the database by data type or hazard as well as by other relevant factors including costs, temporal or spatial coverage, satellite or file types.
When you select a specific country under "spatial coverage", please note that the system will retrieve datasets that are exclusively carrying information for that specific country (and no other country). This means that global datasets, which include information for a particular country of interest as well as for other countries, will not be displayed. As a result, it is recommended to start with a global search.
The results of each search are connected to other items on the UN-SPIDER Knowledge Portal, such as the database of GIS and remote sensing software and the descriptions of natural hazards.
To support Member States in identifying and accessing relevant space-based information, UN-SPIDER also creates booklets that provide an overview of data sources listed on these pages and of particular interest to the countries it is providing technical advisory support to. The following booklets are available:
- Tunisia
- Ethiopia
- Cameroon
Type: hazard specific data
Format: export data, export map, visualization of data (e.g. web GIS or real time monitoring)
Type: baseline data, hazard specific data, land use, land cover data
Format: export data, visualization of data (e.g. web GIS or real time monitoring)
Format: visualization of data (e.g. web GIS or real time monitoring)
Type: satellite data or aerial image
Format: export data, export map, statistical data (e.g. graphs)
Type: hazard specific data
Format: export data, export map, statistical data (e.g. graphs), visualization of data (e.g. web GIS or real time monitoring)
Type: hazard specific data
Format: export data, visualization of data (e.g. web GIS or real time monitoring)
Type: hazard specific data, land use, land cover data
Costs: free with restrictions
Format: export data, export map, visualization of data (e.g. web GIS or real time monitoring)
Type: baseline data, land use, land cover data
Format: export data, export map
Type: hazard specific data
Format: export map, statistical data (e.g. graphs)
Type: hazard specific data
Format: statistical data (e.g. graphs), visualization of data (e.g. web GIS or real time monitoring)
Type: hazard specific data
Type: elevation, satellite data or aerial image
Hazard: Forest Fire,
Insect Infestation,
Severe Storm,
Volcanic Eruption,
Extreme Temperature,
Harmful Algal Bloom,
Mass Movement,
Type: hazard specific data
Format: export data, export map, visualization of data (e.g. web GIS or real time monitoring)
Type: satellite data or aerial image
Costs: free with restrictions
Type: elevation, satellite data or aerial image
Format: export data, export map
Type: elevation, satellite data or aerial image
Type: hazard specific data, satellite data or aerial image